Mural painting at Bishan Fire Station

My then classmate, Maira and I was given an opportunity to do a mural painting at Bishan Fire Station! It happened late Dec'2009 - early Jan'2010.

My personal favorite part to paint! 

The station was kind enough to let us photograph the necessary references-however we want...
Trying out the vector-ish look.

My good friend, Jojie helped us with the details. Without him the mural won't be able to finish on time and would never looked this good too!

The serene view from the station. 

tools of his trade


mixed shades of grey back and forth

maira at work

project and transfer

the medic's hair- problem! so high up there, them boys made a good effort!

Maira's capability to details-look below.

see the two tiny firefighters there?!  power power power!

tips- work from big to small areas..

this is exactly what i see without my glasses on.  blurred vision

her precious

flesh tones


medic's hair problems solved by Maira.The front details of the truck were slightly tricky. We kept on standing back and figuring out on how we can omit unnecessary details.

Apart from Maira and I, Fyerool helped out on the fonts and initial layout for the flames. Jojie then finished off the details for the flames and the smokes. Wan, Zahid, Aifa and a bunch of other men (whom i don't know their names at all-my apologies) also contributed their effort.

from grey scale to almost 'paddle pop' details and back to grey scale again.

The one with the orange helmet looked simple to paint but apparently not. Since the photo was not that clear, we had to figure out the tones.

The white space, the grass...aiyo...need details..In the reference photo, the guy in yellow was actually in his blue work attire. We had to change it...again the details for the folds and shadows...

scary ladder


Sala, orang kuat! Maira's fiance, as of now.

Sleepless night faces!


Thanks in abundance to Zahid and Aifa for the opportunity. Also, Maira, Fyerool, Wan, Jojie, Sala and those involved towards the completion of the mural. :)

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